Comment by hiAndrewQuinn
1 year ago
This happened to me on a much smaller scale about a year back. I was never happier to have stuck to my guns, building my whole site with a single `hugo` command - it made it very easy to migrate off that platform for good.
If anyone has a solid bash one liner to stress test a website, so that I can test whether my cloud billing cap will work correctly if I accidentally try to egress 100 MB of data or something, I would seriously appreciate it. There was one on a blog post here like a year back, using apache iirc, but I forgot to bookmark it.
apachebench (cli command ab), is an Apache licensed stress testing utility, not much relation to the web server, which can be easily used to stress test a webserver.
the binary should be easy to install with your package manager, you may have it installed already
Vegeta worth a look if you want something a bit more sophisticated:
Yes! That's the one, thank you.