Comment by menaerus

1 year ago

pgbench is not a microbenchmark.

From the docs: "pgbench is a simple program for running benchmark tests on PostgreSQL. It runs the same sequence of SQL commands over and over"

While it might call itself a benchmark, it behaves very microbenchmark-y.

The other numbers I and others have shared have been from actual production workloads. Not a simple program that tests same sequence of commands over and over.

  • While pgbench might be "simple" program, as in a test-runner, workloads that are run by it are far from it. It runs TPC-B by default but can also run your own arbitrary script that defines whatever the workload is? It also allows to run queries concurrently so I fail to understand the reasoning of it "being simple" or "microbenchmarkey". It's far from the truth I think.

  • Anything running a full database server is not micro.

    • If I call the same "get statistics" command over and over in a loop (with zero queries), or 100% the same invalid query (to test the error path performance), I believe we'd call that a micro-benchmark, despite involving a full database. It's a completely unrealistic artificial workload to test a particular type of operation.

      The pgbench docs make it sound microbenchmark-y by describing making the same call over and over. If people find that this simulates actual production workloads, then yes, it can be considered a macro-benchmark.

      8 replies →

  • The are loads of real world workloads that have similar patterns to pgbench, particularly read only pgbench.