Comment by jeltz

1 year ago

A major postgres contributor (Andres Freund) disagreed with you about pgbench but, yes, feel free to dismiss them just because you found some words on a web page.

I am just a minor PostgreSQL contributor and consultant of no import, but do you seriously think you are superior to PostgreSQL core devs and know more than them about PostgreSQL just because you are a Linux kernel dev? I really do not like your attitude here and your appeal to your own authority when you are not even an authority here.

Pgbench is used heavily both in the development of PostgreSQL and by people who tune PostgreSQL. So it is not obsolete. Maybe it is a bad benchmark and that the PostgreSQL community should stop using it but then you need a stronger argument than just some claim about obsoleteness from 1995. If a PostgreSQL core developer says in 2024 that it is still relevant I think that weighs a bit higher than a claim from 1995.