Tell HN: iOS 17.4 Breaks Web Inspectors in BrowserStack

10 months ago

We recently had a user report that there is an issue with audio playback after upgrading to iOS 17.4.

Looking to reproduce the issue, I connected to an iPhone 15 running iOS 17.4 running on BrowserStack.

I was able to reproduce the issue but neither the Safari Web Inspector or Chrome Dev Tools are functioning. No log or error messages in the console, no activity in the network tab and only an unrelated stub DOM is loaded.

I tested on a few different websites besides mine and the dev tools were still not functioning.

The iOS 17.4 release seems to have caused breaking changes in BrowserStack. Has anyone else run into Safari bugs related to the iOS 17.4 update?

UPDATE: I have heard back from BrowserStack support and they are aware of the issue.

BrowserStack Support: I would want to share that we are currently facing an issue with our DevTools feature on iOS 17.4+Safari combination. Our Engineering team is working on fixing this however, we do not have an exact ETA for the resolution.

In the meanwhile, we would suggest you to use the Chrome browser with iOS 17.4 devices there the DevTools feature is working as expected.

Working for me. I’m not using BrowserStack though.

Have iPhone 15 connected directly to Mac. Added trusts needed. Opened up dev tools in safari on Mac. Able to inspect page.

iOS is on latest (17.4.1)