Comment by chimen

9 months ago

I do not complain. I've seen this trend multiple times by now. First time was with Ruby on Rails I think [1], then the cancer that led us to write JS to output HTML and all the good stuff that came and still manages to pour from npm. Every now and then you can spot the "fashion" out of these things.

Rust is good and has earned its place. I just despise cult-like followings for these languages and technologies.


There's no need for you to blather about "woke" and drag in US culture wars nonsense. It's distasteful, glib, and frankly not very intelligent, and just subtracts from whatever your point was.

  • As I said above, cult-like. They will swiftly call you names if you even dare to question their beliefs. Thank you for proving me right kind sir.

    • Your post is "flagged" to oblivion, just like my earlier post questioning the "inclusive" culture of the Rust community.

      What is it called when a person or group's actions don't match their words?

      2 replies →