Comment by modernerd

9 months ago

Allan Blomquist's tooling demo they mention is incredible, go watch it:

Really sells the value of having a tight developer feedback loop: it shows hot reloading for code and graphics, a reversible debugger, live profiling with flame graphs, a data inspector with data breakpoints, time travel inspection with a scrub bar, session sharing and replay with the same scrub bar and direct links from the call stack to a breakpoint, and more.

Above the many niggles they had with Rust itself, this greatly helps me understand why Rust left them wanting more from their working environment. They say they've switched back to Unity with to try to capture some of that, and now I see why. (It's a shame that hot reloading tooling in Rust wasn't ready for them yet, but I see why they've moved on instead of waiting/contributing.)

Yeah, this is the bit that stood out for me, too.

Does anyone knowledgeable here have a sense for whether there are any insurmountable roadblocks to bringing hot reload to Godot?