Comment by JoshTriplett

1 year ago

> But you still need a resolution mechanism to fix the error

At least initially, the resolution mechanism could be "don't include more than one implementation".

Assuming you have no control over trait implementation, how would that work?

To reuse the canonic example:

    // crate "types"

    pub struct Thing;

    // crate "traits"

    pub trait Action {}

    // crate "alpha_v0" 

    impl traits::Action for types::Thing {}

    // crate "beta_v1" 

    impl traits::Action for types::Thing {} // Doesn't exist for beta_v0

Say by transitive dependencies, alpha_v0 and beta_v0 are imported, and due to vulnerability, you upgrade beta_v0 -> beta_v1 (let's assume that trait is essential for the vulnerability resolution).

Now what? You either have to skip future updates, or keep the vulnerable beta_v0 crate.

  • Yes, that's the downside of relaxing the orphan rule. That doesn't mean there has to be a way for the top-level crate to work around that, other than avoiding having both of those in its dependency tree.

    Ideally, people would tend to put trait implementations for a given pair of crates in a unique library crate, implement them in the obvious way, and provide that as a library for people to use.

    • You are being modest in explanation.

      That's not a downside, that's dependency hell with Trait coherency landmines.