Comment by kagakuninja
1 year ago
OOP kind of goes out the window when people start using entity component systems. Of course, like the author, I'm not sure I'll need ECS since I'm not building a AAA game.
1 year ago
OOP kind of goes out the window when people start using entity component systems. Of course, like the author, I'm not sure I'll need ECS since I'm not building a AAA game.
Had to look up ECS to be honest, and it's pretty much what I already do in general dev. I don't care to classify things, I care what I can do with something. Which is Rust's model.
Interfaces or traits are not ECS though. ECS is mostly concerned about how data is layed out in memory for efficient processing. The composability is (more or less) just a nice side effect.
This is correct. I wonder how Rust models SoA wirh borrowing. Is it doable or becomes very messy?
I usually have some kind of object that apparently looks like OOP but points all its features to the SoA. All that would be borrowing and pointing somewhere else in slices or similar in Rust I assume?
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Sorry I got lost in that sentence. What is Rust's model?
Rust has traits on structs instead of using inheritance. Aka composition.
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