Comment by VelesDude

10 months ago

I remember years back someone form Microsoft calling the windows code base "The Abyss" because of how much technical legacy there was in it.

I think it was Steve Gibson who said that the Windows code base had some very questionable things in it. For instance they had work experience high school students working on code that made it into the final build that was less than spectacular. Like how Windows used to stall when you put a CD in and wouldn't proceed until the disc spun up and started reading data.

Windows 11 probably would still do that but I don't know because I don't have a disc drive any more.

It wasn't really windows lagging, it was explorer. There used to be more things in explorer that were blocked on something ultimately blocked by I/O.

This tends to not be the case so much any more, so I doubt it would happen today.

Instead you get the dreaded "Working on it....". It seem's like hard drives can be just as slow to spin up these days as CDs were back in the day.

Damn I forgot about explorer hanging when you put a CD in. That was especially terrible when you didn't have DMA