Comment by naasking

10 months ago

That's how development under open source works. You can't please everyone.

There’s a big difference between developing something and announcing loudly that you have something cool; the developers have done the latter here.

  • Dude we're running unrestricted recursion and closures on GPUs! If that's not cool to you, I apologize, but that mind-blowingly cool to me, and I wanted to share it, even though the codegen is still initial. Hell I was actually going to publish it with the interpreters only, but I still coded an initial compiler because I thought people would like to see where it could go :(

    • The closure part was when I had to stop for a moment and go "wait, really?! ... COOL!" and I'm definitely going to try and remember to check back every so often (emphasis on 'try' given I have a brain like a sieve but still ;).

  • It is pretty cool milestone achieved, just not production ready.

    • This is very cool and it's being treated unfairly, though it's also obviously not ready for prime time; it's an existence proof.

      To illustrate that, many people on here have been losing their mind over Kolomogorov-Arnold Networks, which are almost identically positioned; interesting idea, kind of cool, does what the paper claims, potentially useful in the future, definitely not any use at all for any real use-case right now.

      (In part that's probably because the average understanding of ML here is _not_ strong, so there's more deference and credulousness around those claims.)