Comment by Zak

9 months ago

Yes, that means OP probably can't sue them. My comment is about customer trust.

OP isn’t a customer (anymore), therefore customer trust isn’t a concept that exists for them anymore.

For everyone else, this clause is pretty much standard for all SaaS services. Take your pick. If you don’t want this level of service with any vendor you have to sign an enterprise contract where termination procedures are agreed upon more intentionally by both parties.

  • > OP isn’t a customer (anymore), therefore customer trust isn’t a concept that exists for them anymore.

    I don’t know about you, but my customer trust is at an all time low, and I’m seriously considering at least moving all my registered domains off CloudFlare.

  • This comment still misses the point.

    Any customer or potential customer who reads about this incident may have their trust in Cloudflare reduced, and rightfully so in my opinion. They have the legal right to terminate the relationship without reason or warning, but exercising that right in this context hurts their reputation.