Comment by bastawhiz

9 months ago

The HTML is immaterial. If it parses into the correct DOM (which, by all accounts, it does), there's no reason why the HTML should affect how the CSS renders.

The table based layout is a nightmare for assistive technology though. I can’t even imagine how users who rely on assistive technology use this site (of which I know there are indeed plenty).

A semantically correct HTML would be something like a frontpage with an <ol> and the comment section would be a series of nested <article> each with a <header> containing the author a <time> and an extra bonus if the parent/context/sibling links can go under a <nav>. And the separators between the header elements should not be a text content pipe character `|` but rather a CSS border-inline-start: 1px solid currentcolor;

A minimal and semantically correct HTML does not only offer superior experience for users of assistive technology, it also make your page machine readable, so users can install browser plugins to e.g. do something useful with the <time> element, and ultimately makes your page much easier to style with CSS.