Comment by rwalle

9 months ago

So why does HN text look so small under default settings on the desktop, and I always need to zoom to 133% to match the font size on other websites (that require no special treatment)? Am I using the browser wrong, or something is not quite right with HN? I am inclined to think the latter.

I always need to zoom 125-130% on all sites on top of 125% desktop system zoom and HN needs no special treatment. E.g. wikipedia is basically the same.

Anyway, you can set [default] zoom once and enjoy.

Unless you’re in a browser in which no one uses that per-site zoom feature cause it’s not implemented cause no one uses it. In this case, you can embrace the simplicity or use StyleBot.

2560x1440 and ~12px on HN looks incredibly small.

I just switched the resolution to 1024x768, and now the same ~12px is "larger" and easier to read without needing to increase my browser zoom.

There's an obvious visual difference between the two.

  • Without HiDPI (sic!) scaling that means that a correctly-sized display for that resolution would have a 30" diagonal on Windows (standard PPI: 96) and 40" on Mac (standard PPI: 72). If you don’t have HiDPI (sic!) scaling enabled in your system and your display is smaller than that, then you’re basically browsing everything zoomed out.

  • Then your setup is not compliant with web standards. Most likely you need to enable DPI scaling somewhere.