Comment by metadat

8 months ago

Piracy is simply Terrible, it's chopping the dear copyright holders off at the knees, they are frequently having to go on food stamps, and it's unclear how they'll continue on.


Fighting online piracy: First world, or even zeroth world problem.

It's not loke the pirates are saying "hmm, should I pay exorbitant rates for this or should I pirate it?"

The real competition is alternatives: "should I bother pirating this or just go do some other activity."

Bottom line: In most cases it's actually free marketing, and has a net positive effect for the copyright holders. The continual attempts to aggressively clamp down really says a lot about the mentality of the Big Market Forces, *iaa, *aa, and now MS and Elgoog. Even when it's good fertilizer for their perpetual evergreen money tree, they still flip out.

It's all about profit protectionism of the moats around streaming to enforce the arbitrary extraction of gotcha capitalism subscription fees from as many people as possible for as much as possible.