Comment by torginus

8 months ago

Are you aiming for 100% compatibility with modern web standards or are you aiming for some sensible subset of it?

It seems to me that a large volume of code in Blink deals with obscure features with relatively niche use cases (such as WebRTC, WebUSB,WebGL, WebAudio and so on and so forth), which would mean a large amount of programmer effort for very little user-facing gain.

Additionally, in these areas, web standards tend to say 'whatever Chrome does', with FF often lifting large parts of Chrome code to support these features. Even if the above wasn't true, in practicality it is, since all clients are tested against Chrome, you'd need to follow all its quirks to have your browser be compatible.

Are you planning to do a clean room implementation of these features as well?

>niche use cases (such as WebRTC, WebUSB,WebGL, WebAudio and so on and so forth)

WebUSB is a lot more common than one might think, but I mostly see it used in music gear. Companies like Novation use WebUSB to facilitate firmware upgrades, backups, patch management, etc with their synthesizers and workstations.

Its pretty much a necessity for me at this point so that I can remain OS agnostic and still manage my gear.