Comment by Tiberium
8 months ago
I think the submission is a bit wrong in editing the title from the original. I understood it like this:
Chrome has a built-in extension that uses public Chrome APIs that are easily available to other Chrome extensions. The issue described is that this extension shares this information to Google's own domains when they're communicating with the extension, while other websites can't do this.
There's no "special hidden API".
"special" in the sense that unlike other extensions which are user-installed, this one is built into Chrome.
"hidden" in the sense that when I go to chrome://extensions it is not listed.
And as you already mentioned, it's a Chrome API.
Paste this into a Chrome DevTools console on a Google site - sure looks like a special API to me:
For what its worth, I'm on Brave (chromium based) and this also works there, so it appears to not necessarily be only Chrome but potentially any chromium browser where they haven't specifically blocked/disabled this
Arguably, Chromium is more important to Google than Chrome is.
By controlling the engine, they have de facto control over the standards.
By keeping Chromium open, they incentivise forks. Most people who don't want to use Chrome because it's Google's or for some other reason will use one of the forks or Chromium-based browsers.
By keeping this illusion of choice, Google extends its control.
This does not work (as expected) on `ungoogled-chromium`.
You're welcome to read the five lines of code I shared yourself before you run it!
You're literally running their program already. They're already running arbitrary code on your machine.
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A "built-in extension" is still part of the browser unless it can be disabled.
There is potentially an innocuous and straightforward explanation for this. Imagine the browser comes with some functionality implemented as a web app (as opposed to compiled/linked C++ as a lot of the older Chrome UI).
It would be silly if that PWA-implemented browser code would need permission to access the system information, since it is part of the browser's functionality itself.
Another use case for a private API (that has long existed) is integration of the Chrome browser with Google-specific websites that provide core functionality, like the Chrome Web store, to allow for installation/removal of extensions from a web page.
I think it is a mistake to give a company like Google the benefit of the doubt. Consumer protection is a lot like security, we should theorize the worst case scenario, and assume the company is willing to work against consumer interest if it serves their own interests.
If there exists a mundane and reasonable explanation for this, that doesn’t matter if there also exists a potential to exploit it in a way that harms consumers’ interests.
Well said. Hanlon's razor doesn't work for corporations (or with people that have already shown their willingness to do the unethical).
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Any time things like this are needed, I think it should ask the user for permission first.
My examples are of core browser functionality, just implemented with a different tool chain (a web app instead of C++). Should the user be asked for permission for C++ to send an IPC to another C++ component? Should the Chrome Web store ask for permission to install extensions in Chrome?
Down-thread I see that this is being used for Google Meet functionality, for which I agree it should ask for the user's permission.
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This is functionally equivalent.
Same thing with more steps?