Comment by RivieraKid
5 months ago
Some of the comments here are ridiculous. Preventing others from stealing your technology, data and ideas is a key priority for a company. Are people expecting OpenAI to give away their innovations for free?
5 months ago
Some of the comments here are ridiculous. Preventing others from stealing your technology, data and ideas is a key priority for a company. Are people expecting OpenAI to give away their innovations for free?
Well it’s fair considering people gave their content for free (which is by the way the promise made by OpenAI in the beginning, to be open)
It's not fair, market price of the data (for example Wikipedia) is zero, but the cost of what OpenAI is providing is billions.
What about ClosedAI's ignoring of people's requests to not scrape their data?
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They got their training set for free, so it seems fair to me?
So who pays for all the datacenter costs?
Its users?
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