Comment by bongodongobob

2 months ago

Well what did you expect them to do? Magazine subscriptions fell off a cliff as the Internet matured and no one wants to pay for online content.

Consumer reports that you pay for, or at least websites that have a policy of avoiding or declaring conflicts-of-interest, seem to be the reasonable middle-ground.

  • I noticed recently actually seeing "Consumer Reports Best Buy" listed in ad copy for some products.

    For decades they were extremely assertive about not licensing that sort of stuff out, to the point where advertisers used to say "A leading consumer magazine" if they wanted to hint about that.

Some magazines have been able to maintain quality better than others. Especially if there was outside funding from someone who had a real connection/passion. I'm not sure there was anyone at the helm of Forbes who cared at that point.

Not to become villains and scammers, obviously. That's the bare minimum of what you should not become no matter how bad your business is going.