Comment by idunnoman1222

1 month ago

Social graph? I live in a big city hitting the same cell phone tower does not friends make. Only app that needs location permissions is Google maps which doesn’t serve ads. of course, both Google and Apple could easily assassinate me, but I’ve accepted that

Actually thinking about it a bit more with 5G being so short range I can see how a social graph could be made. I do have 5G turned off on my phone though because I don’t know what benefit it gives me because if the 4g tower is already not overloaded bc other people are on the local 5g

Cell tower IP data is likely useless.

However, your friends using your WiFi, or your coworkers and you using the work WiFi, provides a link.

  • I mean work Wi-Fi… doesn’t that show you that targeting advertisement wouldn’t work without identifier you’d be getting shit from your coworker and the cubicle over the whole fucking system would collapse and we have to pay a lot more for Internet