Comment by jogjayr
7 days ago
> a $1M house bought with $100K down and $900K mortgage is a worse deal for the seller as compared to $500K down and $500K financed.
Do sellers in the US know how large your down payment is? AFAIK that's not a thing in Canada. Offers either have a financing condition, or don't. If the offer doesn't have a financing condition, the buyer might be paying cash. But they could just be trying to present an offer with better terms, gambling that they'll definitely find financing somewhere or the other.
Yup, the seller is (at least should be) made aware of the financing structure, as it’s part of the offer.
Every time I’ve sold a house it’s been a factor in deciding which offer(s) to pick or counter.
That's interesting. My last house was $$$ and I had no RE agent. Negotiated with the seller's agent myself. Never once disclosed financing info.