Comment by rty32

6 days ago

Very few companies would be able to manage a gigantic project like Chromium.

I happen to be poking around the Chromium codebase the last few days. The size of the codebase itself is at the same level as all of our company's code. Something as important and critical as GPU rendering is only a small part of the entire project. You also have v8, ChromeOS, ANGLE etc to worry about, all requiring experts in those areas. Not to mention things like Widevine and other proprietary technology surrounding Chrome.

I'll do it, if they agree to sell it to me, I'll run it.

I have a few hundred bucks that I'm willing to put into the pie, but based on the financials, it's probably going to go bankrupt pretty quick.

  • > based on the financials, it's probably going to go bankrupt pretty quick.

    Stage 1: Buy Chrome from Google, with its 65% browser market share.

    Stage 2: Tell Google you'll keep them as default search provider for $5 billion per year.

    Stage 3: Profit

    • > Tell Google you'll keep them as default search provider for $5 billion per year

      The DOJ is working to ban search deals too, you wouldn't receive a single penny. The DOJ is incomprehensibly incompetent compared to the EU DMA/DSA.

      1 reply →

It's 95% of an operating system. In a way it is it's own OS. Chromium has ~ 500+ distinct APIs and features such as web APIs, extension APIs, DOM, JavaScript APIs, and platform-specific features.