Comment by robocat

3 months ago

> default mail client

Thanks - I never discovered that - sorry.

> There is nothing even vaguely difficult about sending an email [] without using the Apple apps.

While offline, I can attach a photo to an email with the Apple mail app and Q it to send later. However Gmail pauses or fails if slow connection. I've always assumed (perhaps unfairly) that was due to an iOS API issue - but perhaps the Gmail app is buggy?

> or creating a calendar item without using the Apple apps.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong then - I don't even have the Apple calendar app installed and somehow I hit problems.

I guess I default to blaming Apple - over the last year I have found my iPhone to be unreasonably buggy. Or I could be emanating anti-tech radiation.

> While offline, I can attach a photo to an email with the Apple mail app and Q it to send later. However Gmail pauses or fails if slow connection. I've always assumed (perhaps unfairly) that was due to an iOS API issue - but perhaps the Gmail app is buggy?

This is most likely a Gmail issue. How apps behave on an unreliable connection is entirely up to the developer.

>While offline, I can attach a photo to an email with the Apple mail app and Q it to send later. However Gmail pauses or fails if slow connection.

This is not really google vs apple. You are describing webmail vs old school mail client. One uploads the attachment immediately, the other does not.