Comment by Numerlor

6 days ago

> Users of the browser should pay a small amount of "money" for the product they use all day every day

How do you do this for something that's a basic necessity at this point? There must be a free browser because so many services depend on their user having access to them through one, and browsers aren't in the category of product where you can provide users a basic browser without features and then selling them a better version. If it's not Chrome that's free, any other free issue would inevitably run into the same issue. If not bankrolled by a company, browsers would need to be government funded

> How do you do this for something that's a basic necessity at this point? ... If not bankrolled by a company, browsers would need to be government funded

You mean like government funded food, housing, health care and other basic necessities?

  • Exactly, many of which now need to be requested through online portals. I know that the US is oddly a bit backwards in that regard (even though it houses Silicon Valley) but in many other countries in the world they have moved many if not all of these services online.

    Making browsers paid would create all sorts of problems for people with lower incomes if not properly considered. Note the last part of the sentence, thank you.

    • I didn't make my point clear: that something is a necessity typically doesn't have the consequence that "government" has to provide it. In the general case, people are expected to buy food, pay rent, etc. These things are typically not provided for free or exchange for exposing your personal data. Only in exceptional cases does society step in to cover these expenses.

      The argument that browsers somehow "need" to be free because they are a necessity makes little sense. Compare that phone or laptop the browser is running on is not provided free of charge either. A working automobile is arguably a necessity in large parts of the US and I don't see anyone handing out cars.

      3 replies →

> How do you do this for something that's a basic necessity at this point?

The response is further in OP’s comment:

> I'd argue that a browser should be a part of the OS or be a paid product

  • Part of the OS is basically free and the same situation as Chrome, and you can't do paid because basic necessities are done through the browser

  • > I'd argue that a browser should be a part of the OS or be a paid product

    I am getting Microsoft flashbacks now. There is no way that bundling browsers with OSes and making all the others paid will have negative side effects! Oh wait... The 90s just called, it is Netscape and they would like to have a stern word.