Comment by hk__2
6 days ago
> How do you do this for something that's a basic necessity at this point?
The response is further in OP’s comment:
> I'd argue that a browser should be a part of the OS or be a paid product
6 days ago
> How do you do this for something that's a basic necessity at this point?
The response is further in OP’s comment:
> I'd argue that a browser should be a part of the OS or be a paid product
Part of the OS is basically free and the same situation as Chrome, and you can't do paid because basic necessities are done through the browser
> I'd argue that a browser should be a part of the OS or be a paid product
I am getting Microsoft flashbacks now. There is no way that bundling browsers with OSes and making all the others paid will have negative side effects! Oh wait... The 90s just called, it is Netscape and they would like to have a stern word.