Comment by lupsasca
4 months ago
What the black hole looks like depends on how you define your field of view. And if the black hole is spinning, then you don't expect a circular shadow at all. But in our app, if you pick the "Static black hole" (the non-rotating, Schwarzschild case) and select the "Full FOV" option, then you will see the circular shadow that you expect.
The preview shows that you have a static black hole selected
This shape of the shadow is also wrong for kerr though, this is what kerr looks like:
"static" is "Shwarzchild without rotation"?
Do black holes have hair?
Where is the Hawking radiation in these models? Does it diffuse through the boundary and the outer system?
What about black hole jets?
What about vortices? With Gross-Pitaevskii and SQR Superfluid Quantum Relativity Ctrl-F Fedi , Bernoulli, Gross-Pitaevskii:
> "Gravity as a fluid dynamic phenomenon in a superfluid quantum space. Fluid quantum gravity and relativity." (2015) :
> FWIU: also rejects a hard singularity boundary, describes curl and vorticity in fluids (with Gross-Pitaevskii,), and rejects antimatter.
Actual observations of black holes;
"This image shows the observed image of M87's black hole (left) the simulation obtained with a General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics model, blurred to the resolution of the Event Horizon Telescope [...]"
"Stars orbiting the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way" ESO.
"Motion of stars around Sagittarius A*" Keck/UCLA.
/? M87a time lapse
/? Sagittarius A time lapse
/? black hole vortex dynamics
"Cosmic Simulation Reveals How Black Holes Grow and Evolve" (2024)
"FORGE’d in FIRE: Resolving the End of Star Formation and Structure of AGN Accretion Disks from Cosmological Initial Conditions" (2024)
GIZMO: .. MPI+OpenMP .. Src: :
> This is GIZMO: a flexible, multi-method multi-physics code. The code solves the fluid using Lagrangian mesh-free finite-volume Godunov methods (or SPH, or fixed-grid Eulerian methods), and self-gravity with fast hybrid PM-Tree methods and fully-adaptive resolution. Other physics include: magnetic fields (ideal and non-ideal), radiation-hydrodynamics, anisotropic conduction and viscosity, sub-grid turbulent diffusion, radiative cooling, cosmological integration, sink particles, dust-gas mixtures, cosmic rays, degenerate equations of state, galaxy/star/black hole formation and feedback, self-interacting and scalar-field dark matter, on-the-fly structure finding, and more.
Yes but the preview has 'realistic FOV' selected not 'full'. And the rotating black hole does have the same shadow as your image if you turn the rotation speed up.