Ensō: design constraints of a focussed writing tool

3 months ago (untested.sonnet.io)

you can always install Emäcs and put this at your init.el file;

(menu-bar-mode -1)

(scroll-bar-mode -1)

(tool-bar-mode -1)

pronto, a solid decades old platform that is privacy oriented (whatever that means on text editors); runs flawlessly on Android too, has an easy sync with Syncthing (just add (global-auto-revert-mode) for real-time synchronization) to your computer/server; ALL shortcuts are customizable so you can set Copy/Paste/Cut to whatever is most ergonomic and crazy stuff like accessing your ibuffer with i-search mode for an easy navigation at your files that's keyboard-centric but you can use your mouse with its buttons doing whatever you want/set, just fine; org-mode...

it can even run on a, distraction free, terminal ^-^

I like the app and don’t need any customization options. Downloaded it after an earlier HN discussion I think.

The workflow of typing, then selecting a file name to save at the very end makes me somewhat uncomfortable. What happens if the app or the computer crashes? Will everything be gone?

This stops me from writing for really long sessions in there. Don’t want to type for an hour only to find everything is gone.

  • OK, so:

    - almost every keypress is saved (+ the size limit is in MBs), so there's no need to worry.

    Having said that, this is really useful feedback - somehow it has never occurred to me that this is not obvious, which is silly. That's on me of course. Thanks!

    I'll: - add a save shortcut (for forced save) with a visual cue (e.g. a toast saying "saved") - add better copy + another way of marking occasional save points

    If you have more suggestions, shout.

Man, best of luck: "simplicity" and "personalization" are in pretty tight tension. Should inspire some interesting solutions!

  • Yup, that's one of the reasons I've been quite hesitant to add any features of the past few years!

    I think it boils down to:

    - intuitive vs. learned design (think: a window with a big X button vs. a terminal;) - limiting scope creep (so far I've been ok with that in Enso)


    - the UI will have a hint of the additional features (more visible on the first load), BUT - it should be perfectly accessible, intuitive and visually appealing to new users (that's easy, because this app from a technical pov is a dumbed-down text field with autofocus on)

    An almost perfect example for me would be Winamp/WMP in 2000-2010s. You'd know instantly how to play your MP3s on it, but if you're curious/bored enough, you could customize the hell out of it, make it yours.

    Another one would be... a wallet with custom artwork! or, any small practical item that is often customized or personalized.

    So, something that feels mine but is also transparent, doesn't get in my way.

    (I'm still thinking about finding the right way to describe this concisely. If you have better examples -- shout)

    • Yeah, sounds like you want something that has a simple and approachable UI but allows you to dig deeper when you need to. Not to point you to a competitor, but check out what iA Writer does with the UI on the Mac. While you're typing, it feels like there's no UI at all, but when you move the mouse, you get the full range of Markdown editing features.

"It doesn't get in my way, it doesn't try to extract value from me."

How am I supposed to pay my internet

Wow. I just found Ensō and it's freaking awesome. I often use focus mode in IDEs if available. Probably I'm going to try it instead of my Obsidian.

Also, I wish something similar existed for mobile as well.