Comment by BiteCode_dev

13 days ago

Other neat tricks with uvx (uv equivalent of npx) to run one time commands in some contexts:

- alias download_mp3="uvx --no-cache --from yt-dlp[default] yt-dlp --extract-audio --audio-format mp3" to download sound from Youtube videos, SoundCloud pages, etc. This update yt-dlp every time, which is required given the counter measures change so often and the dl rarely affect the total processing time anyway (requires ffmpeg).

- "uvx --with <package> --with pyqt5 --from qtconsole jupyter qtconsole" starts a qtconsole (GUI version of ipython) with <package> installed so you can test it quickly. Temp venv, everything cached so next time it's instant, one single copy of pyqt5 for the current use no matter how many times you run those.

- "uvx --with virtualenv pipx run pipsi install nodejs-bin". Ok it's useless, but it's fun that it even works :)

uv's cache system and downloads optimization are quite smart, as Charlie marsh (astral CEO) explains in the interview: