Comment by s1artibartfast

2 months ago

I think some people feel strongly about this issue because it seems like giving up on societal change, which IS necessary for many reasons besides just weight. Even if GLP-1 drugs are safe and long term effective for body fat, they are still a band-aid for a deeper problem. The deeper problem is that people feel and express less and less agency and control over their personal lives. This manifests in many forms, such as depression, anger, cynicism, addiction, loneliness, and personal stagnation. Weight loss will do little to improve these measures while the average American watches 4 hours of TV and is devoid of community.

Im hopeful that these drugs can give people a toehold to tackle these deeper issues, and try to emphasize that they are not a panacea.

People are a product of society, and society is a product of people. If we want to live better people will have to change too.