Comment by alsodumb

2 months ago

Other countries, maybe. But China is never gonna conquer or do reasonable business in India for geopolitical reasons.

Not really US is trying to prop India as a counter to China but India is just using US it has no interests in having a bad relationship with China no matter how much the west would like to do that India is not interested. India is just going to use China as bogeyman for the west to get concessions and help from the west but in the end they will do what is best for them and that is not fighting China.

  • There are still no direct flights between China and India and visas are still basically impossible to get.

That's not even realistic. India is part of BRICS, and one of the main goals of this group is to increase trading between members. I agree part of Indian society doesn't like it, but it won't make any difference.

  • I'm sorry but that's a very naive take. That's like saying OPEC nations are always cooperative because they're part of the same economic organization.

    • OPEC has nothing to do with economic integration, it is just a group of countries setting oil prices. G7 countries deceive themselves if they think BRICS is just another OPEC. You should think of BRICS as a multilateral Belt and Road initiative.