Comment by vladvasiliu
2 months ago
Navidrome can work with your folder layout, too.
I don't remember why I settled on Navidrome instead of the others, but I basically just told it "here's my music, now go play me something" and it all just worked. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't manage organization at all.
> Navidrome can work with your folder layout, too.
Is that recent? When I was looking to replace libresonic I looked at Navidrome and it couldn't do that, and the developer indicated they didnt have plans to add that feature.
I also settled on Gonic. Mostly for this reason.
Do you mean "browse using your folder layout" as in "show that layout in the UI" as opposed to browsing by artist / album / playlist?
If that's the case, indeed, it doesn't seem to support that.
I thought you were talking about the actual on-disk organization, like iTunes would import and rearrange the files to its standard.
Yes, that!
Thanks for the clarification.
I've used navidrome since the beginning with my own layout, you just mount the folder in the container and it goes and indexes it.
It indexes based on tags. You could theoretically have every file in one folder and still browse by artist/album/genre etc.
Thats why I choosed Jelly. I do prepare music file a lot, so that is expected, but movies and series I do not and it works great to recognize them 99% of the time.