Comment by scosman

2 months ago

I think I'm saying: you're not sending "your data" off device. You are sending a homomorphically encrypted locally differentially private vector (through an anonymous proxy). No consumer can really understand what that means, what the risks are, and how it would compare to the risk of sending someone like Facebook/Google raw data.

I'm asking: what does an opt in for that really look like? You're not going to be able to give the user enough info to make an educated decision. There's ton of risk of "privacy washing" ("we use DP" but at very poor epsilon, or "we use E2E encryption" with side channel data gathering).

There's no easy answer. "ask the user", when the question requires a phd level understanding of stats to evaluate the risk isn't a great answer. But I don't have another one.

In response your second question, opt in would look exactly like this: don't have the box checked by default, with an option to enable it: "use this to improve local search, we will create an encrypted index of your data to send securely to our servers, etc..." A PhD is not necessary to understand the distinction between storing data locally on a machine vs. on the internet.

  • Even here with HN crowd: it's not an index, it's not stored on a server, and it's not typical send-securely encryption (not PK or symmetric "encrypted in transit", but homomorphic "encrypted processing"). Users will think that's all gibberish (ask a user if they want to send an index or vector representation? no clue).

    Sure, you can ask users "do you want to use this". But why do we ask that? Historically it's user consent (knowingly opting in), and legal requirements around privacy. We don't have that pop up on any random new feature, it's gated to ones with some risk. There are questions to ask: does this technical method have any privacy risk? Can the user make informed consent? Again: I'm not pitching we ditch opt-in (I really don't have a fix in mind), but I feel like we're defaulting too quickly to "old tools for new problems". The old way is services=collection=consent. These are new privacy technologies which use a service, but the privacy is applied locally before leaving your device, and you don't need to trust the service (if you trust the DP/HE research).

    End of the day: I'd really like to see more systems like this. I think there were technically flawed statements in the original blog article under discussion. I think new design methods might be needed when new technologies come into play. I don't have any magic answers.

    • > I think there were technically flawed statements in the original blog article under discussion.

      Such as?

    • The third choice, after opt-in and opt-out is to force the user to choose on upgrade before they can use their device again. "Can we use an encrypted, low-resolution copy of your photos that even we ourselves can't see?"

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  • I Think the best response is make it how iCloud storage works. The option is keep my stuff on the local device or use iCloud.

  • Exactly. It's the height of arrogance to insist that normal users just can't understand such complex words and math, and therefore the company should not have to obtain consent from the user. As a normal lay user, I don't want anything to leave my device or computer without my consent. Period. That includes personal information, user data, metadata, private vectors, homomorphic this or locally differential that. I don't care how private Poindexter assures me it is. Ask. For. Consent.

    Don't do things without my consent!!! How hard is it for Silicon Valley to understand this very simple concept?

    • Every TCP session leaks some PRNG state for the ISN. That might leak information about key material.

      Every NTP session leaks time desync information, which reveals—on modern hardware—relativistic travel, including long airplane trips.

      Every software update leaks a fortune about what you run and when you connect.

      I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask that people consent to these; I don’t think they can. I absolutely agree that photo metadata is different and at a way higher level of the stack.

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    • The average smartphone is probably doing a hundred things you didn’t knowingly consent to every second.

      Should Apple insist that every end user consents to the user agent string sent on every HTTP request?

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There is significant middle ground between "do it without asking" and "ask about every single thing". A reasonable option would be "ask if the device can send anonymized data to Apple to enable such and such features". This setting can apply to this specific case, as well as other similar cases for other apps.

If you can't meaningfully explain what you're doing then you can't obtain informed consent. If you can't obtain informed consent then that's not a sign to go ahead anyway, it's a sign that you shouldn't do it.

This isn't rocket surgery.

  • +100 for "rocket surgery".

    I mostly agree. I'm just annoyed "this new privacy tech is too hard to explain" leads to "you shouldn't do it". This new privacy tech is a huge net positive for users.

    Also: from other comments sounds like it might have been opt-in the whole time. Someone said a fresh install has it off.

    • > This new privacy tech is a huge net positive for users.

      It's a positive compared to doing the same "feature" without the privacy tech. It's not necessarily a positive compared to not forcing the "feature" on the user at all.

      The privacy tech isn't necessarily a positive as a whole if it leads companies to take more liberties in the name of "hey you don't need to be able to turn it off because we have this magical privacy tech (that nobody understands and may or may not actually work please don't look into it too hard)".

I don't care if all they collect is the bottom right pixel of the image and blur it up before sending it, the sending part is the problem. I don't want anything sent from MY device without my consent, whether it's plaintext or quantum proof.

You're presenting it as if you have to explain elliptic curve cryptography in order to toggle a "show password" dialogue but that's disingenuous framing, all you have to say is "Allow Apple to process your images", simple as that. Otherwise you can argue many things can't possibly be made into options. Should location data always be sent, because satellites are complicated and hard to explain? Should we let them choose whether they can turn wifi on or off, because you have to explain IEEE 802.11 to them?

  • > I don't want anything sent from MY device without my consent

    Then don’t run someone else’s software on your device. It’s not your software, you are merely a licensee. Don’t delude yourself that you are morally entitled to absolute control over it.

    The only way to have absolute control over software is with an RMS style obsession with Free software.

    • They might not be legally entitled to it, but that's just because of our shitty "intellectual property" laws. Morally speaking, OP is absolutely entitled to have a device that they own not spying on them.

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    • That's absurd.

      We can regulate these problems.

      If the EU can regulate away the lightning connector they can regulate away this kind of stuff.

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    • The “moral entitlement” has nothing to do with this. The software is legally required to abide by its license agreement (which, by the way, you are supposed to have read, understood, and accepted prior to using said software).

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