Comment by ProllyInfamous
2 months ago
At this point, Mac Mini M4's are cheap enough and capable enough to just purchase two: one for off-line use, another on-.
Perhaps this is marketing genius (from an AAPL-shareholder POV)?
I'm laughing at the insanity of all this interconnectivity, but an NDA prevents me from typing the greatest source of my ironic chuckles. Described in an obtuse way: a privacy-focused hardware product ships with an undisclosed phone-home feature, letting the feds see every time you use the product (to produce a controversial product, at home).
Kick in my fucking door / sue me: it'll just re-enforce that I'm correct about concessionary-allowances...
Can you be more clear?
Computer are inexpensive enough to own both on- & off-line hardware.
Even privacy-focused hardware manufacturers will allow undisclosed usage tracking (in order to continue existing, themselves). In my example, the OEM delivers a physical product which allows users to make tangible objects, at home. Every time you launch the hardware's control software (to make more controversial objects), it phones home.
> letting the feds see every time you use the product
This does not happen.
Traffic analysis by the government totally happens:
Now they probably don't care about you personally, but you'd be surprised how many people are connected indirectly to a person of interest. Google "Maher Arar" for the horrific consequences of false positives.
>you'd be surprised how many people are connected indirectly to a person of interest.
I get called "paranoid," often, but I'm being honest when responding to people requesting my phone number: "you don't want my number in your phone, because it'll associate you with people you probably don't want to be associated with" [see Five Eyes' 3-Degrees of Separation].
Wrong. Anything that makes any network request is by definition a privacy leak. The network itself is always listening, and the act of making any connection says that you are using the computer, and where, and when.
If every app and system is making network connections by default without the user's knowledge or intervention then it doesn't really prove that you are using the computer at all.
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And so in this context.
You are saying that every network request is going to a target controlled by the US government.
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