Comment by latexr

2 months ago

How many times are you going to shift the goalposts? This is getting tiresome, so I’ll make it my last reply.

I don’t have Netflix but neither is that relevant to the point, you’re obviously and embarrassingly grasping at straws.

No one is arguing against continuous cloud backups, they’re arguing about sending data without consent. Which, by the way, is something Apple used to understand not to do.

Apple’s OS are already filled with Windows Vista style popups and permissions for inconsequential crap, people have been making fun of them for that for years.

If you are doing continuous cloud backups and using Apple services - you are already giving Apple your data and your solution is to add even more permissions? You are not going to both use any Apple service that requires an online component and keep Apple from having your data.

Isn’t it bad enough that I have a popup every time I copy and paste between apps?

  • > Isn’t it bad enough that I have a popup every time I copy and paste between apps?

    For me, not really no. It reminds me I am copying information and not from some phishing app, I find it informative.

    And I'm probably one of the few who actually click "Reject" to the cookie pop ups having to click no on 3742 legitimate consents.

    The simple answer is everything should be opt-out. I'll opt-in if I require it because frankly, regardless to how Fort-Knox my data is $CORP still cannot be trusted.