Comment by st3fan
2 months ago
Your answer shows how we all have a very different idea of what our own desired privacy level is. Or what privacy even means.
2 months ago
Your answer shows how we all have a very different idea of what our own desired privacy level is. Or what privacy even means.
If you think that sending data to a remote server is equally private to not sending it, then you are the one who doesn't know what privacy means.
Of course it's fine to not desire privacy, or to desire a privacy level that is less than private. That's up to you. I liked the privacy of my old Canon digicam that had no internet. A photo app on a phone that sends stuff over the network might bring some useful functionality in return, but it can only be considered a regression in terms of privacy.
Privacy isn't a binary option. There are levels of privacy between "private" and "not private".
What Apple has implemented is a LOT closer to "private" than "not private"