Comment by int_19h

2 months ago

They might not be legally entitled to it, but that's just because of our shitty "intellectual property" laws. Morally speaking, OP is absolutely entitled to have a device that they own not spying on them.

Regardless of one's opinion of intellectual property laws, nobody is morally entitled to demand that someone else build the exact oroduct they want. In fact it is immoral to demand that of other people — and you certainly wouldn’t like it if other people could demand that of you.

Want a phone that doesn’t spy on you? Make it yourself. If you can’t, find some like-minded people and incentivise them (with money or otherwise) to make it for you. If they can’t (or won’t) perhaps contemplate the possibility that large capitalist enterprises might be the only practical way to develop some products.

  • This is just "might makes right" bullshit with slightly prettier framing.

    • This has absolutely nothing to do with "might makes right". If a fast food store decides to offer a Vietnamese Peanut Burger and Sugar Cane Juice combo, nut allergy suffers are not "morally entitled" to a nut-free option and diabetics are not "morally entitled" to a sugar-free juice option. This applies whether the fast food store is a small family run business, or McDonalds.

      To suggest that customers are "morally entitled" to a Samsung phone with zero tracking and zero telemetry is similarly absurd. If you don't like Samsung's product, don't buy it.

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