Comment by makeitdouble

1 month ago

To play Apple's advocate, this system will probably never be perfect, and stand up to full scrutinity from everyone on the planet. And they also need the most people possible activated as it's an adverserial feature.

The choice probably looks to them like:

  A - play the game, give everyone a heads up, respond to all feedback, and never ship the feature

 B - YOLO it, weather the storm, have people forget about it after the holiday, and go on with their life.

Wether B works is up to debate, but that was probably their only chance to have it ship from their POV.

To give you feedback in your role as Apple's advocate:

"we had to sneak it out because people wouldn't consent if we told them" isn't the best of arguments

  • Agreed. This two/three years in particular, there has been more instances where what's best for Apple hasn't been what's best for their users.

Did a variation of A already happen in 2022, with "client-side scanning of photos"?

  • Yes. That also was a thoroughly botched version of A, but I think even a good version of A won't see them ship anything within this century.

    IMO giving up on having it widely used and just ship it turned off would be the best choice. But it's so obvious, there must be other ceitical reasons (good or bad) that's not an option.