Comment by internetter
1 month ago
OP was wrong, but this is even wronger
Locally, a small ML model identifies potential POIs in an image.
Another model turns these regions into a series of numbers (a vector) that represent the image. For instance, one number might correlate with how "skyscraper-like" the image is. (We don't actually know the definition of each dimension of the vector, but we can turn an image that we know is the eiffel tower into a vector, and measure how closely our reference image and our sample image are located)
The thing is, we aren't storing this database with the vectors of all known locations on our phone. We could send the vector we made on device off to Apple's servers. The vector is lossy, after all, so apple wouldn't have the image. If we did this, however, apple would know that we have an image of the eiffel tower.
So, this is the magic part. The device encrypts the vector using a private key known only to it, then sends this unreadable vector off to the server. Somehow, using Homomorphic Encryption and other processes I do not understand, mathematical operations like cosine similarity can be applied to this encrypted vector without reading the actual contents of the vector. Each one of these operations changes the value, which is still encrypted, but we do not know how the value changed.
I don't know if this is exactly what Apple does, I think they have more efficient ways, but theoretically what you could do is apply each row in your database to this encrypted value, in such a way that the encrypted value becomes the name of the POI of the best match, or otherwise junk is appended (completely changing the encrypted value) Again, the server has not read the encrypted value, it does not know which row won out. Only the client will know when it decrypts the new value.
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