Comment by abctx

2 months ago

> It's probably a pretty large set of people, perhaps even the majority, since I'd suspect that most people don't pay for additional iCloud storage and can't fit their photo library into 5GB.

Large set? Yes. Majority? No. CIRP says 2/3 of US Apple users pay for iCloud storage[0]. It's this popular for the exact reason you mentioned. Almost no one can fit their photo library into 5GB so they opt in to the cheap 50GB for $0.99/month. 50GB is enough for a lot of people.


Time Machine does not backup your desktop and other spots that might be essential in case of needing a backup. iCloud does.

I know users who would prefer not to trust Apple for anything, and only pay for and use iCloud to backup the Desktop [and similar locations]. If they were to hear that their opt-in for iCloud means that Apple starts copying random things, they would not be happy.

[OT, I use Arq. But admit that iCloud is simpler, and it is not apples to apples.]

IMO, the fact that Apple backs up your keychain to the Mothership; and that this is a "default" behavior that will re-enable itself when shut off, reflects an attitude that makes me very distrustful of Apple.

Huh, I'm honestly kind of surprised. Good to learn something!

Well, I'll take back what I said about the majority. I do still think that the remaining 1/3 of users who don't have enough storage to turn on iCloud Photos qualify as what lapcat was asking for, though.