Comment by jchw

2 months ago

> I mean for one, because of people like you that are concerned about it. Apple wants you to have the choice if you are against this feature. It's silly to try to use that as some sort of proof that the feature isn't safe.

If they know some people will be against the feature, why not ask instead of enabling it for them?

> My iPhone has a button to disable the flash in the camera app. Does that imply that somehow using the camera flash is dangerous and Apple is trying to hide the truth from us all? Obviously not, it simply means that sometimes you may not want to use the flash.

Do you really not see how this is not a good faith comparison? I'm not going to address this.

> They likely chose to make it opt-out because their research shows that this is truly completely private, including being secure against future post-quantum attacks.

So basically your version of this story is:

- Apple knows some users will not like/trust this feature, so they include an option to turn it off.

- But they don't bother to ask if it should be turned on, because they are sure they know better than you anyway.

I agree. And it's this attitude that needs to die in Silicon Valley and elsewhere.

> Also, if you're going to wildly speculate like this it is at least (IMO) worth reading the research press release since it does answer many of the questions you've posed here[0].

I don't need to, what I said generalizes to all cryptosystems trivially. The only encryption technique that provably can never be cracked is one-time pad, with a key of truly random data, of size equal to or greater than the data being encrypted. No other cryptosystem in any other set of conditions has ever been proven impossible to crack.

Homomorphic encryption is very cool, but you can't just overwhelm the user with cryptosystem design and mathematics and try to shrug away the fact that it is not proven to be unbreakable. The fact that homomorphic encryption is not proven to be unbreakable is absolutely not wild speculation, it is fact.

> And honestly, is turning off a single option in settings truly impractical?

We all just learned about today! We don't even need to speculate about whether it is impractical, we know it can't be done, and that's before we consider that loss of privacy and agency over devices is a death-by-a-thousand-cuts situation.

> Additionally, the entire purpose of a phone is to send data places. It has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Cellular for a reason. It's a bit absurd to suggest that phones should never send any data anywhere. It's simply a question of what data should and should not be sent.

Clearly I don't think the internet is useless and I don't disable networking on all of my devices because I'm talking to you right now. But the difference is, when I reply to you here, I'm never surprised about what is being sent across the network. I'm typing this message into this box, and when I hit reply, it will send that message over the network to a server.

The difference here is agency. Steve Jobs had a quote about computers being "bicycle[s] for the mind". Well, if you just found out today that your device was sending meta information about your private photos over the network, you would be right to feel like it's not you controlling the bike anymore. The answer to this problem is not throwing a bunch of technical information in your face and telling you its safe.

Honestly I'm a little tired so I'm not gonna completely/perfectly address everything you said here but

> If they know some people will be against the feature, why not ask instead of enabling it for them?

Honestly I would just say this is because you can only ask so many things. This is a hard to explain feature, and at some point you have to draw a line on what you should and shouldn't ask for consent on. For many people, the default reaction to a cookie popup is to hit "accept" without reading because they see so many of them. Consent fatigue is a privacy risk too. Curious where you'd choose to draw the line?

> Do you really not see how this is not a good faith comparison? I'm not going to address this.

Yes, my point is that your reasoning isn't good faith either. We both know it's silly and a bit conspiratorial to imply that Apple adding a setting for it means they know a feature is secretly bad. If they wanted to hide this from us, neither of us would be talking about it right now because we wouldn't know it existed.

> We all just learned about today! We don't even need to speculate about whether it is impractical, we know it can't be done, and that's before we consider that loss of privacy and agency over devices is a death-by-a-thousand-cuts situation.

That's fair, but there's honestly no perfect answer here. Either you appease the HN crowd on every feature but overwhelm most non-technical users with too many popups to the point they start automatically hitting "yes" without reading them, or you make features that you truly consider to be completely private opt-out but upset a small subset of users who have extremely strict privacy goals.

How do you choose where that dividing line is? Obviously you can't ask consent for every single feature on your phone, so at some point you have to decide where the line between privacy and consent fatigue is. IMO, if a feature is genuinely cryptographically secure and doesn't reveal any private data, it probably should be opt-out to avoid overwhelming the general public.

Also, how would you phrase the consent popup for this feature? Remember that it has to be accurate, be understandable to the majority of the US population, and correct state the privacy risks and benefits. That's really hard to do correctly, especially given "21 percent of adults in the United States (about 43 million) fall into the illiterate/functionally illiterate category"[0].


  • > Honestly I would just say this is because you can only ask so many things. This is a hard to explain feature, and at some point you have to draw a line on what you should and shouldn't ask for consent on. For many people, the default reaction to a cookie popup is to hit "accept" without reading because they see so many of them. Consent fatigue is a privacy risk too. Curious where you'd choose to draw the line?

    Cookie consent fatigue is both good and bad. Before cookie consent, you just simply had no idea all of this crap was going on; cookie consent took something invisible and made it visible. I agree it sucks, but learning that basically everything you use collects and wants to continue to collect data that isn't essential has opened a lot of people's eyes to how absurdly wide data collection has become.

    > Yes, my point is that your reasoning isn't good faith either. We both know it's silly and a bit conspiratorial to imply that Apple adding a setting for it means they know a feature is secretly bad. If they wanted to hide this from us, neither of us would be talking about it right now because we wouldn't know it existed.

    Apple doesn't add options for no reason. It's useful to control whether the camera flash goes off for potentially many reasons. Similarly, if this option was absolutely bullet-proof, it wouldn't need an option. The option exists because having derivatives of private data flowing over to servers you don't control is not ideal practice for privacy, and Apple knows this.

    And of course Apple isn't trying to hide it, they're currently trying to sell it to everyone (probably mainly to regulators and shareholders, honestly) that it's the best thing for user privacy since sliced bread.

    > That's fair, but there's honestly no perfect answer here. Either you appease the HN crowd on every feature but overwhelm most non-technical users with too many popups to the point they start automatically hitting "yes" without reading them, or you make features that you truly consider to be completely private opt-out but upset a small subset of users who have extremely strict privacy goals.

    > How do you choose where that dividing line is? Obviously you can't ask consent for every single feature on your phone, so at some point you have to decide where the line between privacy and consent fatigue is. IMO, if a feature is genuinely cryptographically secure and doesn't reveal any private data, it probably should be opt-out to avoid overwhelming the general public.

    > Also, how would you phrase the consent popup for this feature? Remember that it has to be accurate, be understandable to the majority of the US population, and correct state the privacy risks and benefits. That's really hard to do correctly, especially given "21 percent of adults in the United States (about 43 million) fall into the illiterate/functionally illiterate category"[0].

    I honestly think the answer is simple: All of this cookie consent bullshit exists because the real answer is relatively simple, but it's inconvenient. If online behavioral tracking is so bad for our privacy, and we can't actually trust companies to handle our data properly, we should full-on ban it under (almost?) any circumstances. There. Cookie consent fixed. You can't track users for "non-essential" purposes anymore. And no, they don't need to. There was a time before this was normal, and if we can help it, there will be a time after it was normal too. Protecting someone's stupid business model is not a precondition for how we define our digital rights.

    This is exactly why I worry about Apple's intentions. For what it's worth, I don't believe that the engineers or even managers who worked on this feature had anything but good intentions, and the technology is very cool. Obviously, nobody is denying that Apple is good at making these "privacy" technologies. But Apple as a whole seems to want you to think that the root cause of the privacy problem is just that our technology isn't private enough and it can be fixed by making better technology. Conveniently, they sell products with that technology. (I do not think that it is any shocker that the first uses of this technology are as innocuous as possible, either: this is a great strategy to normalize it so it can eventually be used for lucrative purposes like advertising.)

    But that's wrong, and Apple knows it. The privacy problem is mostly just an effect of the loss of agency people have over their computers, and the reason why is because the end user is not the person that software, hardware and services are designed for anymore, it's designed for shareholders. We barely regulate this shit, and users have next to no recourse if they get pushed and coerced to do things they don't want to. You just get what you get and you have to pray to the tech gods that they don't turn the screws even more, which they ultimately will if it means they can bring more value to the shareholders. Yes, I realize how cynical this is, but it's where we're at today.

    So yes, it's nice to not inundate the user with a bunch of privacy prompts, but the best way to do that is to remove and replace features that depend on remote services. And hell, Apple already did do a lot of that, it's Google who would have absolute hell if they had to put an individual prompt for every feature that harms your privacy. Apple devices don't have very many privacy prompts at all, and in this case it's to the point of a fault.

    (P.S.: I know I used the term and not Apple, but even calling it "privacy" technology feels a bit misleading. It's not actually improving your privacy, it's just making a more minimal impact to your privacy stature than the leading alternative of just sending shit to cloud services raw. It's a bit like how electric vehicles aren't really "green" technology.)