Comment by amiga386

2 months ago

I'm not who you asked, but no, I wouldn't be.

I'd want an explanation of why they want to send this data. They need to seek informed consent, and the default needs to be no data collection. Opt-in, not opt-out.

If I do opt-in, I can withdraw that consent at any time.

I can also expect them to delete any collected data within a reasonable (to me) time frame, tell me what they do with it, who they share it with, supply me with any personally identifying data they have colllected, and allow me to correct it if it's wrong. And if they use the data to make important decisions automatically, e.g. bank loan yes/no, I have the right to make them use human reasoning to reconsider.

There is no reason to let businesses non-consensually collect any data from you, even if that's their entire business model. Don't let their self-serving lies about "you can trust us" or "it's normal and inevitable" swindle you out of your privacy.

Incidentally,"a completely randomly generated integer" could describe Apple's Advertising Identifier, which allows third parties to track the bejesus out of you.