Comment by fragmede
2 months ago
Why do you assume it's MBA driven? As a software developer, I like knowing when my software crashes so that I can fix it. I don't care or even want to know who you are, your IP address, or anything that could be linked back to you in any way, but I can't fix it if I don't know that it's crashing in the first place.
Customers can (optionally) submit crash logs via email or support portal.
Apple iOS provides crash logs via the following navigation path:
Notice Apple's choice of top-level menu for crash logs?
And of course you've reported every single crash you've encountered via email or support portal?
Normal people don't email support with crash logs, they just grumble about it to their coworkers and don't help fix the problem. You can't fix a problem you don't know about.
> You can't fix a problem you don't know about.
And yet we don't have home inspectors coming into our homes unannounced every week just to make sure everything is ok. Why is it that software engineers feel so entitled to do things that no other profession does?
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Makes sense to me. Many exploits use a crash as their wedge into a system.
Once it is running on a computer you don't own, it is no longer your software.
To put it in the language of someone who mistakenly thinks you can own information: data about crashes on computers that aren't yours simply doesn't belong to you.
If you don't feel a responsibility for inflicting pain on other people, that's on you. I'm not a sociopath.
It's just a matter of ownership and entitlement. You believe you are entitled to things other people own, that is on their property, because you have provided a service to them that's somehow related.
Outside of specifically silicon valley, that level of entitlement is unheard of. Once you put it in human terms what you're asking for, it sounds absolutely outrageous. Because it is - you and I just exist in a bubble.
This can all be avoided and you can have you cake, too. Run the software on your metal. That's what my company does and it's great in many ways. We have a level of introspection into our application execution that other developers can only dream of. Forget logging, we can just debug it.
The pain of a possible future panopticon dwarfs the "pain" of some software crashing. Considering long-term outcomes does not make you a sociopath - quite the opposite.
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