Comment by that_guy_iain
2 months ago
> Trust in software will continue to erode until software stops treating end users and their data and resources (e.g. network connections) as the vendor's own playground. Local on-device data shouldn't be leaking out of radio interfaces unexpectedly, period. There should be a user intent tied to any feature where local data is sent out to the network.
I find that there is a specific niche group of people who care very much about these things. But the rest of the world doesn't. They don't want to care about all these little settings they're just "Oh cool it knows it's the Eiffel tower". The only people who are becoming distrusting of software are a specific niche group of people and I highly suspect they're going to be mad about something.
> So why didn't Apple just simply ask for user permission to enable this feature?
Because most people don't even care to look at the new features for a software update. And let's be serious that includes most of us here otherwise, this feature would have been obvious. So why create a feature that no one will use? It doesn't make sense. So you enable it for everyone and those who don't want it opt-out.
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