Comment by talldayo
2 months ago
I was. First by the md_worker processes that mysteriously started pinning all of my CPU cores after a git clone. Then by the realization that MacOS had built a full-text index of millions of lines of source code (it only took a few hours of my Mac being too hot to touch).
A lot of Apple's defaults are just plain bizarre. Why the hell is Spotlight seeing source code mimetypes and feeding it to the search index?
I love it that it indexes source code. It allows me to find things easily.
I have never once, in all of my years owning a Mac, used Spotlight search to find a source file based on it's text contents. By comparison, I have absolutely wasted probably close to an hour of my life cumulatively mashing the down arrow to find a relevant result that wasn't a Cmake file.
For real! When I search for a term the last thing I want is some esoteric plist file but I’ll return dozens of those hits. Is there a way to exclude these I wonder? Limit it to what I have in the default home directory structure lets say and not go into my launch agents.
Look in the Spotlight settings. Not only can you include/exclude default search types. But you can also specify folders not to index.
Why is this even a question, do people not look at the settings at all?
> Why is this even a question, do people not look at the settings at all?
No, I expect defaults that aren't asinine from a company that bills themselves as a premium experience for software developers. It should be common sense, for the purposes of providing software to both ordinary users and software developers, to omit source files that aren't relevant search results. It's one of the most annoying features on Windows too, you'd hope Apple would see the writing on the wall and just fix it.
Harboring hope was my mistake, though. Sold my Mac in 2018 and haven't felt a desire to daily-drive MacOS since.
Mad worker.