Comment by j45
2 months ago
Your location data, encoded in photo you take with the phone's camera, being extracted by Apple is what this article is about.
How many people use a web based camera or web based photo album app?
2 months ago
Your location data, encoded in photo you take with the phone's camera, being extracted by Apple is what this article is about.
How many people use a web based camera or web based photo album app?
GeoIP in every Web request, unless a VPN is being used, alongside scrambling Mac addresses.
When it’s done default on, I default opt out until otherwise.
When it’s done default on, I default opt out.
GeoIP is definitely as you say of figuring out the location of an IP.
With photos, geocoding is embedding the gps location in each photo. Those locations are being sent scrubbed but still metadata to Apple.
The more I think of it I’m not sure if it’s useful to me to give that database to Apple for free. If it was presented as it’s being explained in device maybe I’d say cool, yeah.