Comment by int_19h
2 months ago
Proper UBI is absolutely economically feasible if we start taxing things like, say, capital gains properly.
"The Expanse" shows the kind of UBI that Big Tech bros would like to see, absolutely. Which is to say, the absolute minimum you need to give people to prevent a revolt and maintain a status quo. But you shouldn't assume that this is the only possibility.
As far as "seen as providing no value to society", that is very much a cultural thing and it is not a constant, so it can and should be changed. OTOH if we insist on treating that particular aspect as immutable, our society is always going to be shitty towards a large number of people in one way or another.
The fallacy most people make is assuming the status quo, making a change, and imagining that there are no other resultant changes.
A change like this would be a dramatic shift and the indirect economic consequences are mostly impossible to foresee.
For a simple example the overwhelming majority of jobs that involve unpredictable physical labor aren't going anywhere - everything from janitors to plumbers to doctors.
But in this brave new world these workers, especially the lower paid, would likely require dramatic pay increases, when they have the option of simply not working for an at least comparable 'salary' (and presumably much more if former white collar workers expect their basic to provide more than a janitorial salary). So now you end up turning the labor market upside down with dramatic changes in the overall economic system.
And keep in mind how finely balanced economies are - most Western economies, if growing, are only growing by a couple of percent by year. And now imagine hitting them with this scale of change.