Comment by nox101

21 days ago

> This doesn't actually bear out. Minimum wage increases really don't have a history of making minimum wage employees unemployable, or destroying the companies affected. In fact, the opposite tends to happen, as these businesses tend to be frequented by other minimum wage employees as customers, so it ends up being a rising tide that lifts all boats.

It's not nearly that settled

It's not "settled" not because it isnt true - Dube, Lester, Reich proved that conclusively that it is.

It's "debated" because raising the minimum wage hikes usually come out of profit margins:

If there's one thing the business community and the econ think tanks it funds can all agree upon it's that any policy that involves sacrificing profits is Bad. Global warming denial and this both come from the same source.

  • it's debated because it's impossile to settle. Otherwise set the minimum wage to $5000 per hr. See how it works out

    • That's not a convincing rebuttle. Saying that "drinking water is healthy" is controversial because "drink 1000 litres in a day and see how that goes" does not help the conversation.

      18 replies →

I'll give you the economist as an acceptable source... but reasontv has a habit of omitting easy to access data that's detrimental to the argument they started with. While that lack of candor might not be disqualifying, it's dishonest when you also present yourself as a journalist.