Comment by weare138

2 months ago

So but how do we build software that can be anything without falling into the Zombocom trap? I believe that Bezos interview shows us exactly how.

[insert list here]

No offense, I'm from GenX, we were doing those things before Bezos came along in fact that was the norm. See VisiCalc one paragraph up for an example. Attempting to create markets for your product like with the Metaverse or blockchain solutions versus just creating products for an actual market that already exists is a relatively new phenomena in the industry. I don't know why we started doing this to begin with.

> I don't know why we started doing this to begin with.

Because Steve Jobs said:

> People don't know what they want until you show it to them.

and too many people wrongly believe that they are as smart as Steve Jobs.

The article doesn't claim Bezos originated the idea. It just uses his quote to explain his logic. In fact, the article goes on to mention VisiCalc immediately after.

To extrapolate further: trying to be all things to all people didn't originate with any particular generation, or even in the software business. Companies have been trying to please too many customers forever, only to either finally settle on the right demographic or fail.

  • But the article uses the phrase 'Bezos' approach' as if it's somehow attributed to Bezos or a new concept. For some reason Wall St. and Silicon Valley love learning the simple things the hard way then act like they had some great epiphany when they finally figure it out.

Everyone thinks they’re a genius that can solve every problem and no one wants to sell books better.

More realistically, everyone knows the best you can get with your own little thing is bought out. That is not enough for many smart people’s ego.