Comment by WalterBright
2 months ago
> I'm still baffled why local and state govts aren't easing into a public option.
Because socialism is well known for unsustainable costs and poor service.
2 months ago
> I'm still baffled why local and state govts aren't easing into a public option.
Because socialism is well known for unsustainable costs and poor service.
Larger health insurance pools are better. Regardless of societial structure.
Right, like how Walmart and McDonald's are subsidized by taxpayers.
Businesses like Walmart and McDonald's should pay their own costs without relying on the crutch of the public purse.
If these businesses are so inefficient that they can't survive without handouts then it is good and proper and correct that they die off and be replaced by more efficient businesses.
Further: All wealth is the result of governmental largess. Who benefits -- oligarches or the middle class -- is the neverending food fight.
h/t economist Kevin Phillips.