Comment by panic

18 days ago

Works how? Are these blocks leading to progress toward solving any of the underlying issues?

It's unclear that there are actors below the regional-conglomerate-of-nation-states level that could credibly resolve the underlying issues, and given legislation and enforcement regimes sterling track record of resolving technological problems realistically it seems questionable that solutions could exist in practice. Anyway this kind of stuff is well outside the bounds of what a single org hosting an online forum could credibly address. Pragmatism uber alles.

The underlying issue is that countries like russia support abuse like this. So by blocking them perhaps the people there will demand that their govt stops supporting crimes and absuse so that they can be allowed back into the internet.

(In the case of russians though i guess they will never change)

  • > people there will demand that their govt stops supporting crimes and absuse so that they can be allowed back into the internet

    Sure. It doesn't work that way, not in Russia or China. First they have to revert back to 1999 when Putin took over. Then they have to extradite criminals and crack down on cybercrime. Then maybe they could be allowed back onto the open Internet.

    In my country one would be exradited to the US in no time. In fact the USSS came over for a guy who had been laundering money through BTC from a nearby office. Not a month passed and he got extradited to the US, never to be heard from again.