Comment by ribadeo
2 months ago
How do you know what the contextual configuration of their robots.txt is/was?
Your accusation was directly addressed by the author in a comment on the original post, IIRC
i find your attitude as expressed here to be problematic in many ways
CommonCrawl archives robots.txt
For convenience, you can view the extracted data here:
You are welcome to verify for yourself by searching for “” in the CommonCrawl index here:
The index contains a file name that you can append to the CommonCrawl url to download the archive and view.
More detailed information on downloading archives here:
From September to December, the robots.txt at contained this, and only this:
>User-agent: * >Disallow: /w/
Apologies for my attitude, I find defenders of the dishonest in the face of clear evidence even more problematic.
Your attitude is inappropriate and violates the sitewide guidelines for discussion.
There are currently two references to “Mangion-ing” OpenAI board members in this thread, several more from Reddit, based on the falsehoods being perpetrated by the author. Is this really someone you want to conspire with? Is calling this out more egregious than the witch hunt being organized here?
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